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TCP/IP Protocol Suite

The name TCP/IP refers to a suite of data communication protocols. The name comes from two of the more important protocols in the suite. The Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) and the Internet Protocol(IP). It consists of five layers: Physical, Data Link, Internet, Transport, and Application. The internet layer is equivalent to the Network layer and the Application layer is roughly doing the job of the Session, Presentation, and Application layer.

TCP/IP is a hierarchical protocol made up of interactive modules, each of which provides a specific functionality.

The layers of the TCP/IP suite contain relatively independent protocols that can be mixed and matched depending on the needs of the system.

  • Application Layer: This layer is the top layer in the TCP/IP model. It includes processes which use Transport Layer Protocol to transmit the data to their destination. There are different Application Layer Protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, SNMP protocols etc.
  • Transport Layer: It receives the data from the Application Layer which is above Transport Layer. It acts as a backbone between the host's system connected with each other and it mainly concerns about the transmission of data. It decides if data transmission should be on a parallel path or a single path. It adds header information to the data.TCP and UDP are mainly used as transport Layer protocols. 
  • Network or Internet Layer: This layer sends the packets across the network. Packets mainly contain source and destination IP address and actual data to be transmitted.
  • Network Interface Layer: It is the lowest layer of the TCP/IP model. It is used to connect to the host so that the packets can be sent over it. It includes encapsulation of IP packets into frames, mapping IP addresses to physical hardware devices.


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